Who is the QuaranStream Theatre Festival for?
This festival was conceived of as a way to connect out-of-work playwrights, directors, performers, and artists interested in creating innovative theatre. We welcome all those who wish to participate, support, or witness this experiment.
Who are you?
The QuaranStream team includes Quenna Barrett, Liam Collier, Anna Gelman, Megan Gray, Corinne Hastings, Adam Levonian, Sam Mauceri, Tab Mocherman, and Taylor Wisham.
We are a collection of theatre artists, educators, and producers located mainly in Chicago. Individually, we create and produce experimental, transformative, and community-centered theatre. We have banded together to create this opportunity for our colleagues left jobless, income-less, and with limited freelance options in this crisis and to do what we do best: make theatre.
How can I watch the festival?
We encourage you to watch the
QuaranStream Theatre Festival live April 12th
through April 18th on our Facebook page.
A full festival line-up will be released
on April 8th.
If you miss a performance, you’ll be able to
watch a recording of it on the QuaranStream
Facebook and Instagram pages at any point
before the end of the festival on April 18.
We recommend you watch the festival using your
personal computer, phone, or another device with
a strong internet connection.
Do I have to pay for this? Is it free?
Although you will be able access all performances for free on Facebook, we encourage audience members who are able to donate to our GoFundMe page. All money raised will go directly towards paying the artists involved in the QuaranStream Theatre Festival.
When will I hear if I have been accepted into the festival?
We hope to alert all artists of their application status by midnight on April 7th
Is it too late to participate?
We’re accepting applications through Thursday, April 5th! Fill out our online application form here.
How will performers rehearse these plays?
Rehearsals will take place remotely using the director’s choice video conferencing software. We have had success with Zoom, Google Hangouts, and Skype.
Before they perform for a live audience, performers will also attend a virtual dress rehearsal where they will have the opportunity to test their streaming software with the support of the QuaranStream producing team.
Can playwrights attend virtual rehearsals?
Playwrights are encouraged to attend rehearsals for their plays with the understanding that directors are responsible for steering this phase of the process.
Will performances be captioned?
We are committed to releasing captioned versions of all performances within forty-eight hours of their original release. We recognize this falls short of our ultimate goal to create an accessible streaming theatre for all. We are currently exploring options for live captioning performances as well.
How else can I support the festival?
We are raising funds to pay all the artists involved in our festival. To contribute, visit our GoFundMe page.